1. Tell your friends that you love them.
2. Be there for your friends, just because.
3. Ask them about their family and where they came from.
4. It’s okay to ask your friends to show up for you in specific ways.
5. Make a big deal about your best friends’ birthdays.
6. Like romantic relationships, meaningful friendships have conflict. If no effort is made to resolve that conflict, take that as a sign.
7. Hold your friends accountable when you think they are acting out of character.
8. Tell them if their boyfriend/girlfriend sucks as soon as you notice that they do. They will be mad at first, but one day they’ll thank you.
9. Not everything has to involve alcohol, but most things are more fun with a margarita in your hand.
10. If you have even one person who means enough to you that you thought of them while reading this, you are a very lucky person.